Piemonte D.O.C. Barbera Largé

Biodynamic Piedmontese Red Wine

The selection of the best vines from the local oldest vineyards. This wine is produced only in exceptional vintages. It is refined in barriques for 20 months and can age in the bottle for over 10 years.

The soil

La Raia’ soil dedicated to Barbera vine farming is marly, calcareous and extends at approximately 380 metres above sea level, positioned south-south west. The vineyards, raised with the Guyot method, has a density of 4500 vines per hectare. A grapevine mass selection has been created for this implant: thousands of shoots have been grafted, accurately choosing the best vines from the most ancient vineyards of the area. No fertilizers or chemical products are used for farming.


This wine is produced only in exceptional vintages. When the Barbera grapes are perfect and analysis show the physic and organoleptic characteristics for the production of a great wine.

Wine making

Around mid-October grapes are handpicked and put in crates to be brought into the cellar; the bunches are then selected one by one, removing those unsuitable. After the destemmer-pressing, the must begins its fermentation with natural lees and on the skin. The following day pumpovers start to extract colour and aroma. The alcoholic fermentation continues slowly for 15 days, then the must is left for another 10 days in contact with its own skins. Racking, i.e. the sepa- ration of the liquid from the skins, follows. The wine is kept at a temperature of 20° C for about one month, to favour the malolactic fermentation. After some decanting necessary to make the product clearer, the wine is refined in barriques. It is then bottled after about 20 months.

Tasting notes

COLOUR: ruby garnet-red, very intense, with slight purplish hints.
THE AROMA: broad and intense, suggesting chocolate and spices, blackberry and dog rose.
MOUTH FEEL: full-bodied, harmonic, with balanced tannic sensations and a sweet, persistent finish.
Contains sulphites

Perfect pairing

The features and structure make it the perfect match for roasted and braised red meat and mature cheese.
Best served: between 18° and 20° C.

Perfect storage

If stored in a cool dry place, and in the dark, at 10°/18° C, bottles keep unaltered for 8/10 years.


Respecting the earth gives great quality. Piemonte D.O.C. Barbera Largé has received several awards over the years and we are happy to share them with you.

  • I Vini di Veronelli 2023: 2 stars
  • Bibenda: Four grapes
  • Vini buoni d’Italia 2022: 3 stelle
  • Gambero Rosso 2022: 2 bicchieri
  • Bibenda 2022: 4 grappoli
  • JamesSuckling.com: 92 punti
  • I Vini di Veronelli: 2 stelle
  • Gambero Rosso: 2 bicchieri
  • Bibenda: 3 grappoli
  • Slow Wine: Intenso al naso, dove fanno capolino note speziate, e caldo giustamente tannico e con un buon equilibrio generale sul versante gustativo.
  • Vitae: 3 grappoli
  • Vini buoni d’Italia : 3 stelle
  • Slow Wine 2019: Aromi tostati di frutta matura e di spezie dolci. Finale morbido
  • Bibenda 2019: 4 grappoli
  • Vini Buoni d’Italia 2019: 3 stelle
  • Go Wine: Cantine d’Italia 2018, vino da provare
  • Slow Wine 2018: Note tostate, venature speziate e sentori di frutta rossa matura. Bocca succosa. Vibrante acidità
  • Bibenda 2018: 4 grappoli
  • Gambero Rosso 2018: 1 bicchiere nero
  • Go Wine: Cantine d’Italia 2018, vino da provare
  • Bibenda 2017: 4 grappoli
  • I Vini di Veronelli 2017: Due stelle, Vino ottimo
  • Vini buoni d’Italia 2017: 4 Stelle
  • Gambero Rosso 2017: 1 bicchiere nero
  • I Vini di Veronelli 2016: 2 stelle
  • I vini di Veronelli 2015: Vino ottimo
  • Gambero Rosso 2015: Due bicchieri
  • I vini di Veronelli 2014: Vino ottimo
  • I vini buoni d’Italia 2014: Vino corretto e buono
  • VIII Rassegna Vini Bio BiodiVino: Medaglia d’Argento
  • Millesime Bio 2012: Medaglia d’Argento

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